Metabolism and Nutrition
„Your food will be your cure“
– Hippocrates –
„Man is what he eats“
– Ludwig Feuerbach –
Food supplies each of the body’s cells with the substances that the body needs for survival. Good food contains all necessary building blocks from which our body cells are assembled and maintained.
A single cell of the body cannot eat meat, salad, or fries. Cells eat amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.
The conversion of food into these smallest elements is part of the very complex body chemistry called metabolism.
There are many different opinions as to which foods are right for us. There is one unanimous statement on that all experts agree: The „right food“ is important for health. But about the question which food is the right one, unfortunately there is no consensus.
Over the last 50-100 years our eating habits have changed dramatically. But our body is still genetically adapted to the food of more than 10,000 years ago.
For millennia, man had to hunt, fish and to gather his food.
He ate berries, nuts, plants, herbs, fish and meat. It was only about 10,000 years ago, when man began farming and raising livestock.
Because the evolution proceeds very slowly our metabolism is still working like in the times of our hunter-gatherer ancestors.
Our metabolism can not get used to the modern food with its colors, flavor enhancers, preservatives, antioxidants, emulsifiers, emulsifying salts, foaming agents, gelling agents, pesticides, fungicides, more and more food genetically engineered and irradiated.
In particular, fast food, manufactured goods, and long preserved foods dominate man’s food today. Today’s food consists of too much carbohydrates and low quality fat and proteins.
This is a very dangerous fact because a carbohydrate-rich food with a lack of motion leads to obesity, arteriosclerosis, diabetes mellitus (diabetes), cardiovascular disease and degenerative, physical decay, with pain all over the body.
Carbohydrates are often seen as a source of energy. Humans lived for millions of years without bread, baked goods or pasta. Our genes are perfectly adapted to low-carbohydrate nutrition. Today, carbohydrates have become the world’s most important source of nutrition in the form of processed, low-fiber cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes, candy and sweetened drinks.
The carbohydrates that we eat are broken down by our digestive system to form glucose. With the help of insulin, the sugar molecules are absorbed by our cells to provide them with energy. Carbohydrates which our bodies do not use for energy, are stored as fat. A long-term excess of carbohydrates and the excessively high levels of insulin which accompany this, lead to an increase in blood fats (lipids). This disrupts the hormone system and puts a strain on the body’s metabolism.
A balanced food consists of healthy fats, quality proteins and wholefood-“good”-carbohydrates.
It is most important to keep the insulin level low with the right nutrition, to push the metabolism and to stimulate the catabolism of fat.
Not the fats make you fat, it is rather the inappropriate carbohydrates and the wrong food which stresses the individual metabolism and makes it sluggish.
In looking for the right nutrition for everyone, an important aspect has been ignored. Nutritional requirements vary greatly from one person to another as does individual metabolism. There is no universal form of nutrition which is suitable for everybody.
Everybody is different, so our recommendation for the right foods and metabolic needs require some individual blood tests. We can ascertain your metabolic type by conducting individual metabolic analysis.
We determine which foods optimize your metabolism and set up your individual nutrition plan.
It will be designed for easy observation – and it is the key for your good health.
Your optimized diet has the goal of resulting in a variety of positive health changes:
- Gentle weight regulation
- Improvement of clinical laboratory values over time
- Increase in your general vitality and performance
- improved digestion
- Improvement in general body functions